
Dear Friends and Family

Hi, my name is Nate Brown. I'm a senior at George Fox University in Newberg, OR. I plan on riding my bike down the 101, from Seattle to San Francisco, starting July 21st and ending early August. For me personally, this goal has required extensive research, planning, conditioning, and financing. I’ve put a lot of thought into the trip and I’m excited for the adventure, and whatever stories I’ll get out of it. It’s one of the first things to keep me up at night since Little League.

The trip is also a ministry opportunity, as a benefit to the Belmont Foundation. This organization “seeks to effectively respond to the American crisis of fatherlessness by equipping the faith community to provide life long, trust based mentoring relationships with young men in an effort to affect long-term change.” I heard of this through reading Donald Miller’s “To Own a Dragon”. I’m excited to play a part in this ministry, as I know at my very core that I would be far less advantaged if it were not for the Randys and Ryans (my step-dad and older brother) in my life .

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. If you have any questions, send me an e-mail, or call. I will post entries pertaining to the trip on this blog. Make sure to visit belmontfoundation.org. Materials-wise, I have few needs. I plan on writing bike manufacturers and nutrition companies for sponsorship, and my uncle JT is footing my hotel bills. Just kidding, I’ll be camping :)

Thanks for reading!


“A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives”
Jackie Robinson

1 comment:

Lani said...

Hi Nate,
I admire what you are doing. I also have read all of Don's books and get the sense that this is a genuine effort to make a difference with the gifts that God has given him. I am a supporter of the water/ well ministry and I will pray that God leads you to find the authentic expression of who you are in Him.

I have four boys, my youngest is 20 and he would so love to be a part of something like this. If you are ever in the Blue Ridge Mountains of N.C. look us up. Great biking here as well and we would definitely put you up.

Stay Strong, Lani Wilson