
Near Century

August 5th
Standish Hickey - Point Arena Lighthouse
99.99 m, 8 hrs., 12.5 mph

I got up around 7:30 - the great thing about having other guys at your campsite is the guilt trip they induce with their early-birdness. I went to the little store across the highway, which was just settling down from the Hemp Fest traffic. The breakfast burrito turned out to be pre-made. Sometimes they get you.

My new biker friend John mentioned his room at the light house once again, and that it was 83 miles. I told him thanks but not likely.

Just a few miles down the road, I made the split onto Highway 1. Goodbye 101. The ascent of Legget Hill started shortly thereafter. It was a long grind, but not the most painful one. There were a lot of semi-plateaus throughout the hill, which made for leg rest. I decided that if I could ride this hill on my 3rd highest front sprocket, then I could ride 83 miles. Sparks of determination, few and far between - yet powerful.

The top of Legget was the highest point of the trip. The view was one of different hills (I climbed to the top of a hill), not too impressive compared to some of the other shots I'd seen. Going down the hill was a blast - so much fun! Curves non-stop. I got my first of 5 comments on my sign, as a passenger muttered "damn bikers".

I passed the Virginian dudes, then shortly got into Westport, a tiny town on the coast. The temperature changed about 15 degrees from the top of Legget to the coast, so I played jacket charades. Hot sweat turns to cold chills pretty quickly.

I had a sandwhich with the older guy that had camped with us (Steve?) It was very overpriced, which kind of made sense considering that Westport is in the middle of nowhere. Smelling the herbal wave of the shop owner, I conjectured that my money was going the way of Hemp Fest. Saw an older couple in the store... "are they the old Swiss couple that biked from Toronto"?

I came into Fort Bragg, a sweet town. And a real town! Man I miss cities, as much as I love being in the country. It's a comfort blanket, I guess. Made a stop at the bank, took a picture of a huge Redwood cross-section, took a picture of a gray squirrel at the park (huge!), and went to Safeway. Bought my first GQ. Seth Rogen! The lunch man loaded my "California Dreamin" with extra meat and free cheese. That's the joy of traveling, everyone's out to help you.

I'd ridden about 40 miles, and the sign for Point Arena said 53 miles. Sweet, it's 93 miles away, not 83. Oh well, I'm the man. The rest of the ride was full of countless switchbacks, cow pastures, and different cliffscapes than I'd seen before. I rode past a herd (that's right) of Turkey Vultures. Those things are intimidating.

The town of Mendocino is perfect for touring. Any person that wants to forget the rest of the world's problems should just go there. Perfect for any old WASP.

(White Anglo Saxon Protestant)

At mile 70ish I started to feel light-headed. But I was so emphatic over the prospect of completing a century that I didn't perceive pain, merely stupid bliss. This was my favorite ride for sure. My legs felt great. After the upside of a switchback (Navarro Beach), I stopped at a driveway to finish one of my 6 inchers. A contractor pulled up and offered to let me in the house for water. The views from that cliff-house were spectacular, and it was great to hear more about the local weather cycles and whale migrations, etc.

I made it up the toughest switch-back (so steep!), so close to a "stand-still fall". It had the moment where you wonder whether you will get another pedal stroke in. But I did it. Officially BA!

All of this on my largest front sprocket, I made it to Point Arena. The lighthouse was 2 miles down the road, which was a problem - considering that I had just 95 miles on my computer. So I rode up and down that damn road. Well, at least a 1/4 mile of it. I would turn around, only to face a hill I didn't want to go up. Turning away from that, I faced some headwind typical of a cape. Well I had to make it to 99.99 at least, in honor of the Dodgers new acquisition - Manny Ramirez. Coming to 99.8, I made a turn in a gravel parking lot, and my bike went out from under me. I was hopping with a skinned knee and a bruised elbow, too tired to laugh at myself, but excited that I had some great material to end this great day. So typical of me to make it so far in something and then remind myself that I am still the kid that was too scared to race his bike down the driveway. I walked my bike to 99.99.

The light house room was awesome. I had a shower, jumped on the bed, and ate all the York peppermints in the bowl.

Today's Sign: "Damn Bikers"

1 comment:

meagain said...

Nate: Did ya ever make it to San Francisco? Love, Ma