
Portland Pit Stop

Friday the 25th

I rode the bus into Portland this morning, said goodbye to the new friends. The ride was only an hour long, I sat in the back with a guy who said he was really good at crossword puzzles and snuck sips out of his 40. In Portland, I went to the east side to chat with Wade frrom the Belmont Foundation and post some blogs. Had lunch and Wade gave me some electrolyte tablets that you drop in your water bottle. It works better and is a lot lighter than all that gatorade powder.

City life was a nice change. I mostly babysat my bike all day, made some more signs, called friends, and soaked in the sun. With my shirt off of course - even though my small nipples look more like zits (thank you, Justin Kelley).

So I ran into some friends from Fox, and then took gear back to REI with no hassle. I wanted a longer sleeping pad and I returned bike shorts in the name of Thoreou.

It was my friend Kyle's 21st, so we went to Henry's for dinner. My body told me it didn't need any liquid carbs. It was good to see all the baseball buddies - Bo tooke me back to Newberg and my blankie.

It's tough having good friends in two states.

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