
Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

Sunday 27th
Depoe City - Carl Washburne St. Park
55 miles?

Kyle and I said goodbye to the resort and headed to the beach for some skim boarding. Kyle is really good at it, throwing the board on the receding wave water and then riding it for a good thirty feet before crashing into a wave and flipping into the water. I'm not a big fan though - I'm terrible at board sports and I have an odd fear of falling. Plus the water is cold. La-hoo, Za-her. We also went to some of the lookout places and explored the cliffs and haystacks. We saw a blond bike tourist go by agreed that I need to catch up with her on the road, then marry her.

We had clam chowder in Depoe City and talked baseball and adventuring ideas. Looks like bouldering is the next challenge to dive into. There's falling involved, but no cold water. So I set off, with the back of the bike sign being "skim tubing". I didn't get going until 2. Also, Kyle drove the 4 miles to Depoe City, but I'm not going to be nit-picky about doing the "whole" trip.

It was kind of miserable riding so late, and the comfort of the resort made me a wimp. Still I kept on, and at mile 30 stopped at a pizza place in Waldport. I talked to a British girl for a while. She was riding a big mountain bike with twice as much gear as me, and she was on mile 80. She also mentioned that she did the Great Divide race, an offroad race from Montana to New Mexico (or something like that). Shortly thereafter, my MPH picked up.

I went the whole day without my helmet. I figure this way, they won't have to cut it out of my head.

Cape Perpetua was awesome. You ride above cliffs and look at haystacks out in the water. I hit it at sunset, and the fog had finally risen. I think it was my favorite part so far.

Finally to Carl G Washburne state park, and I met my first bikers - Ryan and Cas. They were teachers from Virginia, doing the same trip, under similar circumstances (first tour, etc.). It was nice to talk to some guys I could relate to. I was just going to put up my tarp for an A-frame because it was getting late, but I saw some Racoons and went for the tent.

Quote of the day: "If you want an Indian feather, you've got to do the dance". - me

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