
Trailer Nailer

Monday 28th
Washburne - Sunset Bay
75 miles, 5 hr 41 m, 13.3 avg

I left the camp about 10 30, shortly after the other guys. Meeting up in the next town (Florence?), we decided to have lunch in dunes city. I was setting a good pace, and it was nice to go on my own. I didn't see any places in Dunes City so I kept rockin. I haven't seen those guys since then, which is a bummer 'cuz they were cool.

A ways into my ride I slowed to about 14 mph, sometime around then I felt a truck whiz by awful close and their was a loud WACK on my left elbow. Something from the side of a trailer camper (siding?) hit me solid, but it didn't bruise and it didn't make me nudge, just left a white line on my elbow. I was elated, yelling "I got hit by a trailer!" for a while, I thought it was amazing.

It didn't take long for some fear to sink in as I started to realize how fast those cars are really going. It's good to have a little paranoia, and I'm lucky I didn't go over the guardrail to get it. I read in Krakeur's book that young men have some sort of hormone that overpowers the 'fear' hormone. So it looks like I don't have nerves of steel, just a brain of straw.

A couple miles from Sunset Bay State Park, I got a milkshake from DQ. My stomach has been working so fast lately that I wasn't worried about it. Shortly thereafter, I took a wrong turn and had to sprint up a huge hill because of construction. I felt like an idiot but my stomach made it somehow.

Sunset Bay (SW of Coos Bay) was beautiful. I had the hiker biker site all to myself and got pretty excited about making a fire. For dinner I had squished PBJ.

Back of the bike: "Homeless"
Quote: If I don't shower, but no one smells me, do I still stink?

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