
Just Another Adventure

Tuesday 29th
Sunset Bay (Coos Bay) - HumBug Mountain

I got lost again today, trying to get out of the campsite. Good thing though, what do you know I ran into Kelli Roots from George Fox. She was camping with her family and we were both pretty surprised to run into each other. So I recruited some more blog readers.

I had to sprint up the same hill from the night before, but it only got longer and bigger this time. I was going at a slow pace and hating life. I was in the middle of a quiet back road when I got my first "F'n biker!" shoutout.

As it always does, the ascent turned into descent, and it made my eyes tear up. Sometimes a fast descent makes me slobber, but I've bee good so far.

20-some miles into it, I finally got into Bandon, a nice little tourist town. My buddy Warren told me about his hometown, which was cool.

So I went to the laundromat.

Getting back to it, I rode through Langlois, then Port Orford, which had the coolest haystacks yet. I stopped to talk with hitch hikers and told them of the upcoming camp site, which I regreted because they were shifty.

It was later at night and I finally got into Humbug Mountain state park, where I met some friendly bikers who were going north (against the NW wind). My computer was wacky all day but I think I rode around 50 miles.

Todays sign: 101 for Fun!
Todays quote: Its peanut butter jelly time! (becoming an end of the day exultation)

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